And now for some different website news! White Cat launched today – I finally decided to make the site dedicated to my game projects, so here it is.
The site is still very bare-bones with very little content, but that should come along in the near future. The only project you can read (a little) about so far is my as of yet unannounced rpg “The Nest Egg”. My visual novel Blue Rose also has a section, but in spite of it being the main development project there is not much to see yet. I also plan to put Angelic Orbs: Broken Memories up there, but that one has no rush as it is already available at my gallery site.
Now back to actually producing content…
Ah looks neat. Are you much of a programmer? Seems like it would require knowledge of such.
No near a good one, but I believe I know enough about the tools at hand to work on these projects 🙂
I see, that is good.
I am a very bored programmer most the time. If you ever need any help feel free to ask.
Whoa, an RPG. Pray tell, what engine are you using?
I’m using RPGMaker VX. But I am also doing a lot of work on the visual side of things, in hopes of making it look less like the usual rpgmaker titles.
ooo how cool! x3 you know, there aren’t nearly enough otome visual novels, let alone ones in english. >_< when you finish this, will it be free to download? oh, and do you get to name the character you play as? x3 lol I <3 games that let you do that, bc it feels more personal that way~
Yes, you’re right. I hope you’ll like my games 🙂
I’ll have to disappoint you in both cases though – the visual novel will be commercial, and as I wanted to give the story a protagonist that stood out it also means that her name cannot be changed.
That will be changed in the RPG I’m making though – you can rename the protagonist in that 🙂