Deep in the forest….

Hoorray for Photosh… uh, Paintshop Pro.

Since I can’t draw proper BG’s, especially not the amount needed for Glass Wings, I use slightly altered photos all the way. I’ve been able to use pictures I took myself almost all the way through, with a few exceptions inside the mansion.

But not long ago I added a couple of scenes that made me come a couple of BG’s short… and I still have trouble with them. In the end I tried making a photo manipulation for the a scene in one of the paths, where the characters rest at a small ruin in the forest. take a look at the evening version:

It looks like a lego-set or something 😛 Oh well, I guess it works… in an odd sort of way….
Obviously I’m no good at photo manips.

I’m still having problems with the last CG for the final battle. In the end I may have to rewrite the whole scene to make it fit whatever I have lying around. *Sigh*…….

Oh, and I’m almost done coding Zyra’s path. That means I can look for a musician in the not so distant future.

PS: I really need to add links for the other Lemmasoft blogs like others have done – I’m sorry >_< It’s just because I’m so lazy…. but I’ll get it done….

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