Blue Rose ~Reprise~

It’s announcement time!

Blue Rose Reprise, an updated version of the fantasy otome visual novel, is coming soon!

It has been quite some time since Blue Rose first saw the light of day (2013, time flies!), and so I have recently been working on creating an updated version of the game for new and old players alike.

This new version will include the following:

  • Higher resolution (1920×1080)
  • Updated script
  • Tweaks and polishes to the artwork
  • A whole new UI
An example of one of the art updates.

Especially the script was in need of some dire first-aid, and it is the hope that this update will raise the game as a whole to the level it deserves.

One part that has especially been on my mind since its original release, is the somewhat disappointing and unclear resolution of Erin’s route. While the changes in this version are not major, I hope that they will at least help solidify the feelings and intents of the route, and give Erin the ending she deserved all along.

Upon release of Reprise, the updated version will be available for free for those who already own the game. There is no release date yet, but stay tuned for more updates and possibly other exciting news about this upcoming re-release!

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